There are only so many goodbyes I can fit into a 300 word space! It’s not entirely goodbye; The Sentinel will surely survive without my incessant advocacy for the oxford comma. It’s been two full years since I joined as a writer, and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to spend the latter half of my college experience. Nothing screams the end of your teenage years like spending countless hours in the confines of a college newsroom surrounded by equally caffeine-exhausted friends. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s no exaggeration to say that I’ve made my best memories through this newspaper. I’ve learned so much about the mental fortitude it takes to get through a print production day and have claimed the AP Style book as a holy text among student journalists. But also, I’ve learned even more about the importance of community and self in one’s work. I never could have done anything without the constant reaffirmations from the people I’ve grown to love so dearly here. I wouldn’t have found myself if it weren’t for the open arms I found here first. For everyone who has had a byline I’ve read in that last two years, I am so excited to see the amazing things you do beyond this campus. If you want to keep up with my own personal writing, you can find me on Instagram at @mariamjanad. Otherwise, I’m probably failing at an attempt to romanticize the Social Sciences building again. Sending all my love, always.
Mariam Janad