Ask The Sentinel: staff favorites

Where are you located?

The newsroom is located on the Kennesaw Campus in the Carmichael Student Center on the first floor across from the Women’s Resource Center and long line of vending machines. 

How many owls are in the newsroom?

Currently – and counting our owl skeleton – there are eight owl figurines in our corner of the Student Center; their names are Herb, Matzah, Ravioli, Dog, Roast Beef, Frank (Sinatra), unnamed Mardi Gras owl and our owl skeleton Jack Scrumpy Skowlton.

What is the best part of working for The Sentinel?

Brie: “Getting the chance to work and become friends with a great group of people who make coming in everyday to produce a paper the most fun and rewarding experience I have ever had.”

Henry: “Getting to meet and work with amazing people and being able to develop a sense of camaraderie with them while producing something I am proud of.”

Mariam: “Getting to know so many amazing individuals and really feeling like a part of such a wonderful campus community.”

Anna: “Being surrounded by up-to-date information about my campus and surroundings and having access to the happenings whether it be arts, news, sports or my peers’ opinions as well as having more reason to seek out information and be inquisitive.”

Lanaya: “The happy-go-lucky environment and the camaraderie that we all have. I also enjoy how we all help each other out in ways that will enhance not only The Sentinel, but also sharpen our personal skills and traits.”

Anastasia: “Being able to provide feedback for my writers to better prepare them for their journalistic aspirations and future articles.”

Emma: “Getting to meet and work with so many talented photographers and writers.”

What is the team’s favorite places to eat on campus?

Brie: “The Commons!”

Henry: “Panda Express”

Mariam: “Hissho Sushi from The Market”

Anna: “McAllister’s or The Common’s vegan station!”

Lanaya: “Starbucks! It is the perfect one-stop shop for coffee/nice refreshment, a delicious and light breakfast and a little something to satisfy the occasional sweet tooth.”

Anastasia: “Starbucks”

Emma: “The vegan place in The Commons”

Olivia: “Hissho Sushi and I love eating it outside when I can.”

Which editor would last the least amount of days in a zombie apocalypse?

Brie: “Me. I am simply too weak.”

Henry: “Brie. Everything kills her.”

Mariam: “We all go down together. I hope.”

Anna: “Anastasia is too skinny to survive the starvation.”

Lanaya: “I love everyone but I think while we are all trying to run away and figure out a safety plan, Henry would try to crack a joke and perform stand-up comedy to one of the zombies.”

Anastasia: “Henry because I said so.”

Emma: “Henry because he would fail to trying to shoot a zombie with a nerf gun and be slowed down from the group.”

Ashlynn: “Mariam and I have no explanation for this; it just seems right.”

David (special guest from The Peak magazine): “Anna. You cannot befriend zombies.”

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