“The Cobbler” – Farris

While Adam Sandler is typically seen as a funny man, he sometimes decides to play more serious roles. “The Cobbler” is a very good example of Adam Sander’s acting ability. While there are plenty of jokes throughout the film, the jokes are lighter and more natural compared to his previous films. Sandler plays Max Simkin, a cobbler living in New York that reluctantly repairs shoes for a living. The business has been in his family for over a century, but after Simkin’s father abandoned him and his mother, he is no longer interested in keeping the business going.

However, after finding a magical family heirloom, Simkin finds a way to step in the shoes of his fellow New Yorkers and learns a lot of valuable experience along the way. The plot seems very original and the story flows very well. Other cast members include Dustin Hoffman and a Sandler classic, Steve Buscemi. This movie has a lot of heart and morale. There are plenty of sincere moments in the film that will leave you satisfied, even if the ending is a little cheesy. Sandler should branch off into more dramatic roles as he seems to do a great job. The film is sweet, sentimental and could be considered one of Sandler’s best movies in years.

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