New Year, New Goals

It’s 2016. Happy New Year everyone! Everyone has resolutions and goals they would like to accomplish in this New Year. Well, almost everyone. We all write down our goals, talk about how much we want to make things happen and get excited about what is to come. However, for some, by the end of the year they go back over their list and realize they haven’t reached nearly as many goals as they wanted to. This has happened to me several times. Luckily, I’ve learned and now it’s only right to let you in on a few ways to help you actually stick to and reach the goals you have set for yourself.

It’s easy to take the time to write down our goals and resolutions. The difficult part is sticking to it. I think if you don’t at least glance at your goals and be mindful of your resolutions then there’s no way to truly stick to them. Try to remind yourself of the things you want for yourself and just how much those things are going to benefit. Set a reminder on your phone if you have to!

I believe when you’re setting goals to separate them into two categories: short-term and long-term. Short-term goals being the ones you can check off in a week or a month and long term being the ones you can check off in a year or more. Always try to be realistic and honest with yourself when setting long-term goals, not to be a pessimist, but if it’s something you want to actually make happen you want to make sure it’s something you’re willing to put in the work to get. Be committed to the goals you set for yourself, both short term and long term.

Once you’ve figured out your long-term and short-term goals, I think it’s important to figure out how you’re going to be in the position to fulfill those goals. If one of your goals is to be a more positive person, then surrounding yourself with a bunch of negative people will not put you in a position to become a more positive person. Figure out what tools and resources are going to help you get on track to getting the things you want. Be mindful and intentional.

According to Forbes, there are four ideas you should stick to when setting goals and resolutions for the New Year: the process, motivation, rules and benefits. They say you should not only write these things out as a list but also map them out so you can really see your progress. I completely agree. Actually being able to visualize your progress gives you even more motivation and drive.

As someone who tries their hardest to stick to their goals every year, I truly believe these things help you to stay on track and help you fulfill every goal you have planned for yourself. In order to get something you have to put in the work, and if you just write goals down and throw them to the side then you will never truly do what you need to do in order to achieve those goals.

Everyone is capable of reaching their goals, whether they are long-term or short-term, it’s all a matter of what one does in order to do so. If you’re mindful of your goals, put in the work, stay motivated and place yourself in the right position then I think you should have no problem achieving your goals in this New Year. I genuinely hope everyone reading this gets everything they go after!

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