Hillel Club Brings Jewish Life to Campus

Jewish life on campus is alive and strong with the help of an organization called Hillel. The name “Hillel” was chosen in honor of an important figure in Jewish history named Hillel. Hillels exist all over the country at many different universities, which often interact with each other.

Hillel hosts many differing events. The events cover five main “pillars”: Jewish living and learning, Israel experience and education, Tzedakah (charity) and social justice, community building and leadership development.

During its time as an organization at KSU, Hillel has hosted a variety of social events. Recently, the group attended an Atlanta Braves game with other Hillels from various universities in the Atlanta area. The group has hosted bowling nights, Israeli dancing lessons and free Skyzone. The group even does a Birthright trip to Israel. The events provide a fun atmosphere where Jews can interact and learn more about their religion.

Hillel hosts a weekly event every Thursday called Lunch and Learn. The group meets at noon in Room 372 of the Student Center. Food is provided and a special guest speaker is present to discuss aspects of Judaism and other topics. The event usually gathers a modest crowd, but it is a great place to meet people and express any interest in the organization.

Hillel also employs several student interns. The current student interns are Alexandra Grant, Molly Silverman, Anna Streetman, David Mendelson and Betsy Lipman. The interns plan and promote events and reach out to new students. Alexandra Grant, a sophomore Nursing major, has spoken positively of her experience as an intern. “Being an intern from Hillel has been so amazing. Through Hillel, I have been able to expand my leadership abilities, meet new people and make a deeper connection with Judaism,” Grant said. No more student interns are being accepted currently.

Students have had a positive experience with Hillel, particularly the freshmen. Freshman Business major Matthew Prater has said, “The people are so welcoming and keep me wanting to come back and continue my Jewish education. I cannot wait to see where it takes me in the next few years and the people I meet. It has only been a couple of months but it feels like so much more.”

Hillel has information about all their events on their public Facebook group called “KSU Hillel.”The page currently has more than 150 members.

Hillel provides an informative and fun experience for Jews at KSU and hopes to recruit more students in the future.

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