How to Beat Boredom Around Campus

Whether you’re looking for sports, campus involvement or any general activity, you can be sure to find many fun activities to do around KSU this summer.

Swimming is a great summertime activity that helps you stay cool, soak in some sun and is generally inexpensive. If you are looking for a beach environment, skip the long drive and head to Acworth Beach in Cauble Park. Acworth Beach has swimming, hiking, fishing, boating and picnicking all for the price of a $10 parking fee.

Another great way to beat the heat is to make a trip to the movies. Whether you are waiting for the next blockbuster or a romantic comedy, you can find something worth seeing for a fun night out with friends. If you are looking to save money try going to the NCG Theater for student day on Tuesdays after 4:30 for a $6 movie.

“I love going to the NCG movie theatre on student day and getting unlimited popcorn and drinks with my friends,” senior Elizabeth Dize said.

If you enjoy sports take advantage of the volleyball nets, tennis courts and soccer field on campus that are available to all students.  You could also try Escalade rock-climbing gym, which has college night every Wednesday, where girls pay $8 and guys pay $10. If you prefer the outdoors, try a hike on Kennesaw Mountain. You could even take a picnic lunch with some friends and eat at the top.

For more on campus activities, try to join a new club or intramural sports team.  You can look online at the Student Life website or Facebook page and find something that interests you.

If you love crafting, try getting together with friends and finally creating your favorite Pinterest craft. Going out to eat at that restaurant you have always wanted to try is another good way to spend time with friends while trying something new.

“I enjoy going to eat dollar sushi at Ru Sans on Barrett Parkway with my best friend,” junior Sarah Sanderfer said.

Whatever activities you may be interested in, there is something for you to do around campus. Even if you are taking classes, make time in your schedule for a little fun. Don’t sit around all day; get up and get moving.

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