Greek Spotlight: Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

KSU sorority Omega Phi Beta.

At the core of Kennesaw State’s Greek life community, the newest multicultural Greek sorority, Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. prides itself on fostering sisterhood and empowering women.

The KSU Collective of OPBSI is an integral part of hosting social events, volunteering, fundraising and spreading awareness towards their philanthropy— achieving gender equality by “Raising Awareness of Violence Against Women.

With April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, OPBSI plans to partake in various initiatives to spread awareness about the topic.

At the end of the month, the sisters will be distributing blue ribbons on campus as a part of The Blue Ribbon Project, which supports victims of abuse and violence.

They will be hosting “National Denim Day” on the Kennesaw Campus Green to support survivors and educate others on sexual assault.

“Our philanthropy makes a difference in the KSU community,” OPBSI member Viviana Rodriguez said. “Because just by tabling we’ve had girls who have [come] back to us and express how they have never shared their stories before, and have thanked us for giving them the space to feel safe.”

Viviana Rodriguez of KSU sorority Omega Phi Beta.
Viviana Rodriguez of KSU sorority Omega Phi Beta. Photo Credit: Carmen Puente

OPBSI focuses on its volunteering efforts; they volunteer at women’s resource shelters by making period packages with menstrual products and giving out hand-written affirmations.

The sisters hosted self-defense classes on campus alongside other organizations where participants, especially young women, can feel safe and learn how to defend themselves within certain situations.

“It makes me feel happy and proud to be a part of this organization because it’s a form of women empowerment,” Rodriguez said. “You have to know that it’s okay that there are many people that go through similar situations and don’t share, but there are people out there to help you [become] the better version of yourself.”

OPBSI was established at KSU in the fall of 2023, with a class of nine sisters from eight different ethnicities. They are a part of the Multicultural Greek Council alongside other sororities such as Lambda Theta Alpha, Latin Sorority, Inc. and Sigma Lambda Upsilon, Señoritas Latinas Unidas, Sorority Inc.

Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was founded on March 15, 1989, at the University at Albany, State University of New York, by 17 diverse and empowered women.

Since then they have expanded to several regions across the nation, with Sisters from California to Puerto Rico. Although Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is Latina-oriented, they are not Latina-exclusive and encourage all women from different cultures and ethnicities.

For more information visit their Owl LifeInstagram and national organization website.