“Roman Holiday” Review – Mayembe

A sheltered princess finds herself wandering the streets of Rome, Italy while a smooth newspaper writer finds himself in a bet for a big story in the 1953 classic, “Roman Holiday,” starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.

Shot entirely on set in Rome, Italy, Joe Bradley (Peck) is an American expatriate writing for an American based paper in Italy. Meanwhile Princess Ann (Hepburn), during a very public press tour over European countries, decides to take matters into her own hands by escaping her guardians and touring Rome for herself. When the two characters meet, they embark on an adventure alongside Joe’s photographer, Irving (Eddie Albert).

The film does a great job keeping the viewers attentive with beautiful black and white shots of the city as well as keeping the mood light and comical. Peck and Hepburn play off each other wonderfully, with Peck always the stoic and Hepburn the elegant, but strong willed woman many have come to adore all these years. As a fan of both actors, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The film also addressed a raw response to pressure that a person may deal with in life. The reason for Princess Ann’s escape was due the pressure and feeling caged in, a scene painfully depicted at the beginning of the film.

“Roman Holiday” gives viewers a little piece of Rome as well as adventure and a few laughs along the way. Make sure to catch it on Netflix.

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