OPINION: Changing your major can be a good thing

A list of accepted major changes in Owl Express.

Have you thought about changing your major? Here is why you should.

Kennesaw State University has more than 170 majors on campus, ranging from Journalism to Economics to Nursing to Digital Animation. When deciding on what to do with your future it can be difficult to choose only one focus.

It has been known that some people are more logical and others are more creative. In college you need to have a logical brain to succeed on tests and assignments, however, if you do not have a creative brain then some majors are not for you. These include Architecture, Music and Art and Design.

Most people who enter college are 18 years old without being fully mentally developed to make a decision that will impact the next 40 years of their lives. Studies from the National Institute of Mental Health have found that “the brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s.”

Due to the majority of college students being in their late teens and early 20s, the assumption can be made that deciding on a major can be overwhelming and change over time. When freshmen start college and choose their first major it is highly based on their parents, a desire for money or a want to succeed. However, once a student has attended classes and dealt with conflict independently, they slowly conclude that maybe their major is not for them.

The NIMH continues to explain that this lack of development in the frontal lobe impacts skills such as “planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions.” As a bright side to this observation, because of the lack of development, it is easier to learn and experience challenges that aid in development.

Changing your major could be seen as a challenge due to the potential education setbacks, but you are not alone.

“About 30 percent of undergraduates in associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs who had declared a major had changed their major at least once,” The National Center for Education Statistics said.

In addition, the NCES states that 1 in 10 students change their major more than once. In this undergraduate study, they found that mathematics was the most changed major out of both STEM and non-STEM majors.

KSU offers a wide range of majors on both the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses. To find out more visit https://www.kennesaw.edu/degrees-programs/.

So maybe this is your sign to change your major, or at least visit the Marietta Campus.