OPINION: The drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18

The drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18 which would increase responsible drinking and reduce DUIs.

The 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 68.3% of those aged 18 to 20 all drink alcohol. According to Britannica, allowing people who are between the ages of 18 to 21 drink alcohol in regulated environments with supervision would decrease unsafe drinking activity.

Having the drinking age lowered would normalize responsible drinking at a younger age resulting in a reduced risk of binge drinking in teenagers and college students. Teenagers and college students would drink in safer environments and feel comfortable receiving medical attention for alcohol-related injuries or accidents without fear of legal consequences.

According to The Ticker, when responsible drinking is normalized from a young age driving while under the influence can be curbed.

“In the United States, 31% of car accidents result from driving under the influence, or DUI, the third-highest rate in the world. In Germany, where the legal age to drink is 16 years old, and in Russia, where the legal age to drink is 18 years old, this rate is 9%. China, which has no minimum drinking age, sees its rate at 4%, according to Sand Law, a law firm in North Dakota,” The Ticker Sports Editor Dani Heba said.

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