OPINION: Four ways for students to avoid procrastination

It is important for students who struggle with procrastination to know how to take the necessary steps in order to efficiently reach academic success.

Procrastination is a prominent issue among students. It is easy for someone to become distracted when they are bored or not enjoying a task. A five-minute break can unintentionally become a five-hour break; thankfully, studies show how to increase productivity and improve one’s focus.

Recognize the Issue

According to Harvard Business Review the lack of strong habits, emotions and thoughts are the biggest elements contributing to procrastination. The first step to solving a problem is to identify the causes, which could vary from person to person. One might have a lack of strong habits, others might have negative thoughts or someone could have a mix of all three.

Research Solutions

CollegeData says accountability, organization and eliminating distractions are all solutions to avoiding procrastination. Time-blocking and breaking your work up is also important to practice instead of tackling a whole task at once. The objective seems smaller and easier rather than a threatening, looming obstacle to get past. It is also stressed that breaks and rewards are necessary. Not giving yourself time to relax ultimately leads to burnout, built-up stress, lack of focus and an overall negative outlook.

Find Additional Resources

Helpful study tips and hacks have been mentioned in mainstream media. Todoist says The Pomodoro method focuses on a singular task for 25-minute intervals with a five-minute break in between. This is a standard time, but some people choose to study for an hour with a 15-minute break, 45-minutes with a 10-minute break and so on.

Connect with Others

Accountability and productivity are also attainable by one using social media pages such as global Discord groups dedicated to studying and focus. YouTubers and other influencers often share their tips and tricks for academics as well. According to Business Insider, two YouTubers were asked why they post themselves studying. Both interviewees mentioned how it showcases motivation and focus. One, under the alias “The Man Sitting Next to Me,” mentioned that live-streaming also helps him stay focused since he knows people are watching.

Social media aside, there is a multitude of studying and tutoring groups active today. Kennesaw State offers free tutoring sessions for those who may need it as well.

Academic success is inevitable as long as one consistently works on avoiding procrastination.

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