Students should consider using “smarter” studying tactics as they often grow tired at the end of the semester from studying “harder,” which makes studying for finals exams more difficult.
Finals are a large part of overall grades which adds much more pressure to succeed. One of the biggest mistakes that students make is trying to cram-study all of their classes into one week. No one can obtain that much information in such little amount of time.
During the last few weeks of school, students should set aside time for each class and review topics that may have been more challenging during the semester. Taking the time to study for each class and breaking it down into smaller chunks over several weeks is much more manageable.
Another way to study is to start a study group. Studying with a group of people is a great way to think smarter. When studying with a group, assign different chapters to each person to highlight the most important points and share them with everyone else in the group. This way everyone still gets all of the material but at a faster rate.
Also, by connecting study material to real-life scenarios, students can retrieve and remember information much easier during final exam season. While there may be some subjects that this might not apply to, try to connect learning material where you can.
Another smart way to prepare for final exam season is to attend office hours. No one knows the material better than the professor teaching the course. Going to office hours and getting a refresher helps strengthen students understanding of all material. Students should use this time to go over challenging material or information that they missed during the semester. Office hours are also a great time to review old test questions with professors.
While studying is a large part of succeeding during final exam season, it will not mean much if students do not rest. While it is a well-known college concept for students to pull all-nighters before exams, students should know that they do not have to subscribe to this mindset to be successful.
Pulling all-nighters during finals season increases the chances of sleeping through set exam times or not being able to retrieve the information on the exam. Getting rest is one of the most important factors to success.
As finals season approaches, make sure to use these study tips to think smarter, save time and reduce stress.