OPINION: Pressure to graduate quickly harms students overall

College students should take their time completing college degrees because the presumed four-year degree expectation is harmful to their growth and future success.

Taking an extra year, or more does not imply that a student will be any less successful in their later careers. All paths of achievement are equal in their own ways, and putting a time limit on them offers no benefit to the student or their future.

For many college students, the ideal amount of time spent pursuing their degree will be four years. Anything beyond this “expiration date” of success is often looked down upon or feared.

However, attending college has much deeper reasoning than just the degree a student intends to get. It is a pivotal time of discovery of who they are as a person, what they want to seek in their future and the people they will choose to accompany them on their journeys. It is a time to fully discover passions and pursue the track in life that fuels them. Four years may be enough, but these are all things that may take longer than that allotted time.

Many people cite the fear of furthering their debts and losing valuable time. Financial stability is often a rarity as a college student. This situation will vary for many students throughout the semesters. However, there will never be any “lost” time in any scenario!

According to Science Daily, people who become committed and satisfied with their work are proven to be happier and live longer. The first step to this is the correct education to pursue a fulfilling career.

Additionally, a lot of students spend part of their college experience working backward. According to Data Point, one-third of students seeking a bachelor’s degree change their major while enrolled. Furthermore, 1 in 10 will change their degree multiple times.

Rather than rush four years for a degree that may not be the best match, an extra year or so to truly find a niche to belong in will be worth the life that will be spent with it. A degree sets the stage for a career, which will occupy a large portion of anyone’s life. Taking the time to ensure that this commitment will be worth the time and money spent on it will ensure a happier, more successful future.

A student’s opinion should carry the most weight in the decisions of their academic careers. Although the voice of parents, friends and advisers will always carry influence, students will be the ones who ultimately benefit or suffer from the choice.

If college is taking someone more time to figure out, that is okay. The opportunity for education does not leave anyone behind.

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