OPINION: Valentine’s Day is still heartfelt

Each February, red and pink hearts, giant teddy bears and oversized boxes of chocolate begin to take over. Even though the holiday may seem outdated to some, Valentine’s Day is a day for individuals to take the time to cherish and celebrate their loved ones.

Valentine’s Day is not only for celebrating couples, but for cherishing friendships as well. Too many people feel left out on Valentine’s Day because they think that it is exclusive to couples, but the holiday is meant to celebrate all types of relationships.

“When it comes to your happiness, your friends are key,” Author Carlin Flora said. Knowing that friends play such an essential role in our well-being, people should strive to celebrate and show others how important their friendship is. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show them just how much you care.

“[Valentine’s Day] is a day to share love with the ones you love the most,” junior public relations major Danielle Sess said.

While friends deserve love this Valentine’s Day, it is important to remember to set time aside to treat oneself. Self-love is imperative to success, wellness and happiness.

In Medical News Today, Ana Sandoiu said that “self-love and compassion are key for mental health and well-being, keeping depression and anxiety at bay.” With that in mind, take some time this Valentine’s Day to fall back in love with yourself and find the things that make you happy.

When constantly comparing ourselves to others through social media, it is easy for people to feel like they will never live up to the lives and achievements of others, especially around holidays. Instead of posting about love on social media, show the love among friendships in person.

Sherry Turkle of the New York Times says, “we are together, but each of us is in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and tiny touch screens.” It is important to step out of this bubble and let people know that you love them and enjoy having them around.

Valentine’s Day is not just for couples, but for everyone. It is a chance to share love with others in our lives that we cherish. It is a great excuse to give out hugs and candy to the people you care about, so take advantage this Valentine’s Day and tell the people you love that you are there for them. The holiday may feel cliche, but a day dedicated to showing love to others will never become outdated.

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