Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election on Nov. 8. We asked Kennesaw State University students and faculty to describe their thoughts and feelings on Trump’s victory.

Rob Council, junior communication major
“I was shocked. I really just didn’t expect him to win. I feel like Hillary had the election locked down.”

Bria Walker, junior criminal justice major
“With Trump, I believe that some aspects that he will do for the country is good..If he legalizes marijuana, I’m gonna love him for a short period of time. But if he’s gonna make World War Three, I’m still gonna hate him, cause you know that’s crazy.”

Dr. William Price, professor of history
“I think that the election of Trump was indicative of a populous movement. The common person wanted certain changes in Washington, and Trump was the pipe piper that lead the movement…In this election, the forgotten American voted and asserted [him]self.”

Heather Severin, junior finance major
“I wasn’t too happy about it. I just don’t like to put down other people’s opinion because they matter. But I wasn’t happy about it. I’m not going to bash on someone else who did like him and want him to be president.”