(From Newswise) — Predictions that the Brexit signals the unraveling of the EU are off-base because Britain is a unique case, said Dr. Stephen Collins, associate professor of political science and international affairs at Kennesaw State University.

Rather, Collins notes, polls and history show that Britain has always been uniquely — and famously — ambivalent about European integration, or at least about its participation in the European integration project.
Collins said, “The narrative that Britain’s exit from the EU will trigger a centrifugal reaction throughout Europe and precipitate a cascade of Eurexits leading to complete dissolution of the EU and profound consequences for global order, security and prosperity ignores Britain’s historical experience and national identity (or national myth). The UK’s history as an outside security balancer state in the European balance of power system demonstrates that the idea of the UK as separate from Europe is not new.”
Collins continued, “A recent Eurobarometer poll of national identity demonstrates this. When the Brits were asked whether they see themselves as just their own nationality, as European, or as both, nearly two-thirds (64%) expressed a solely national identity. Conversely, in no other EU member state (besides the Greek part of Cyprus) did that figure rise to even half the population. In light of what we know historically of Britain’s self-identity, the threat of exit contagion may be hyperbolic. Rather than a harbinger of impending chaos, the polling data and history suggest that the Brexit is likely to be a singular event, and not an omen of the unraveling of Europe or of the global political order.”
Stephen Collins, associate professor of political science and international affairs at Kennesaw State University is a frequent contributor to international affairs journals, including New England Journal of Political Science, Politics and Policy and Studies in Conflict and Terror. Read a brief profile at https://theconversation.com/profiles/stephen-collins-182355