The film stars “Captain America” lead, Chris Evans, along with Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, and Tilda Swinton. The film shows a post-apocalyptic world, frozen to the core, where the only survivors are those aboard the train, “Snowpiercer.” The film takes the audience through the ‘train of events’ following a group of rebels trying to fight their way towards the front of the train.
The film focuses on one of the low-class passengers aboard the train, Curtis Everett. After witnessing the mistreatment of his fellow passengers, Curtis plots a revolt with others in his car. The film depicts a perfect display of what it means to have a social hierarchy. It shows the lowest of the survivors in their “place” at the back of the train and how different life is for other survivors at the front of the train. The film is a raw, dramatic depiction of a caste-like system.
The cinematography is outstanding. The film is different from other films of its genre. While I praise the film on its depth and thought-provoking story, at times the film was boring and had plot holes that left me with unanswered questions.
The film is not one that I would watch repeatedly for fun, but the film is worthy of watching for at least a second time. I even found myself picking up on details that I had missed when I watched it for the first time. In all, “Snowpiercer” is a long, mediocre train ride.
Pretty lame review of what is actually a very engaging film and a welcome change of pace from current offerings. It is far from mediocre…at least Evans proves he can act.