KSU Ranked in 2016 Most Affordable Online Colleges and Degrees

Kennesaw State University was nationally ranked in a variety of categories after SR Education Group released “The 2016 Most Affordable Online Colleges and Degrees” in January 2016.

The online education publisher SR Education Group recently updated their college rankings on OnlineU.org in their report. The colleges are split among 24 categories that are ranked under annual tuition with a list of the degrees that are available by each school. KSU has been ranked eighth in Art and Design, 15th in Education, 10th in Marketing and 22nd in Teaching.

“To be considered for our 2016 Most Affordable Online Colleges, schools needed to meet the following requirements,” said Taitum Ridgway, an outreach specialist for SR Education Group, in an email. “[They must have] non-profit status, offer an online degree in one or more of our 24 most popular degree subjects, offer at least 10 fully online degrees, and offer at least one bachelor’s degree.”

“Annual tuition numbers for this school list were manually researched and represent the bachelor’s degree level,” she said.

All data and resources that contributed to SR Education Group’s rankings came directly from the official websites of each school. The school’s programmatic accreditation and profit status came directly from the accreditation agency websites or the National Center of Education Statistics.

When determining affordable online colleges by degree, for each subject, SR Education Group created a base level degree requirement. For each subject, they determined whether or not a degree was important for employment.

“Overwhelming college debt gets talked about all the time, but no one brings up these schools that are working hard to keep costs low for students,” Ridgway said. “It’s our hope that by bringing tuition to the forefront of the conversation, other colleges will follow suit and we’ll start to see lowered tuition costs across the nation.”

SR Education Group’s main goal is to spread the word about lowered costs and to give students a chance to find an affordable college that offers a variety of promising degrees.

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