Importance of Technology Proficiency

Proficiency. We see this word all the time on job applications: “Must be proficient in [insert common computer program name here].”

I imagine that I am not the only one who checks the box next to those computer program proficiency questions on job applications. Afterall, if I am familiar with the name of the program, like Excel or Microsoft Word, then surely I must be “proficient.”

It wasn’t until I started attending the UITS Workshops provided by Kennesaw State University that I realized how wrong this assumption was. These UITS Workshops taught me that although I have used Excel for various projects, this does not make me an expert at all.

When I attended my first KSU UITS Excel Workshop, “Intro to Formulas and Basic Functions” a few weeks ago, I was shocked at what I did not know. From creating formulas to learning different functions, I realized that this program that I had so often considered myself proficient in was one that I did not really understand at all.

While Excel is a very intelligent and effective program, the user has to know how to navigate through all the codes and functions before it can truly be useful in any way. Participating in this course was one of the most eye-opening experiences of what computer programs like Excel are capable of.

During the workshop, the instructor was extremely helpful, as he guided us through structured tutorials and answered any questions that we had for him. In that one hour and thirty minutes, I had learned more about Excel than I had ever known about the program.

Since this first Excel session, I have attended three others, and each time, I am more impressed with the capabilities of Excel, and constantly surprised about how much I still have to learn.

However, what surprises me most about these sessions each time is the very small amount of students who attend.

Perhaps UITS does not advertise the workshops enough, or maybe students just don’t feel that they are worth the time. But I’m here to say, as a firm believer of this ever-growing technological world that no matter what your future career will be, these UITS Workshops are definitely worthwhile. If the technology in the world continues to evolve at the pace it has over the years, then we must also constantly develop our knowledge to keep up with the progress of it all.

From Photoshop and InDesign to PowerPoint and Excel, KSU UITS offers a variety of workshops that will truly enhance your computer capabilities and add value to your resume when you are applying to any job.

Most importantly, after attending these UITS Workshops, you may very well be able to confidently put a check mark next to that “[computer program] proficiency” requirement on that next job application.

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