KSU student to star in film about Columbine Massacre

KSU senior Masey McLain has been cast in the film “I’m Not Ashamed,” a recount of the Columbine Massacre that occurred April 20, 1999. McLain will play Rachel Joy Scott, who was the first victim of the horrific school shooting. The film will be based on Scott’s life and will use her own words and recounts from her mother, Beth Nimmo, to tell her story and how her strong faith in God made her a target.

While almost 17 years have passed since the shooting, many have not forgotten the details of the day when seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 12 students, one teacher, and then themselves. The story of 17-year-old Rachel Joy Scott stands out as she was the first to be shot, and had attempted three weeks before the attacks to share her faith with the two shooters. However, her encouragement and kindness left them hating her more.

On April 20, Scott was sitting outside having lunch when she was approached and shot twice, first in the leg and then in her back. Her attackers left, but returned moments later after realizing she was still alive. Shooter Eric Harris pulled Scott by the hair and asked, “Do you still believe in God?” When Scott responded, “You know I do,” the killers said, “Then go be with Him,” before shooting Scott in the head.

As a devout Christian and daughter of a teaching pastor, McLain was shocked to learn she would be playing Scott in the film.

“It was such a long process of the producers searching to find the perfect person to play Rachel that I didn’t think I got it for a really long time,” McLain said. “So when they finally told me that I was it, I was like ‘What?’ It was the biggest shock ever.”

McLain fell in love with acting when she was a freshman in high school after landing a leading role in her first play. After winning Most Outstanding Performance in a competition, McLain decided to pursue acting and signed with a top talent agency in Atlanta.

When filming “I’m Not Ashamed,” McLain felt an emotional experience playing the role of Rachel Scott.

“I will never forget the day we filmed the shooting scene,” McLain said. “It was truly amazing and very hard to explain, but I felt the Lord hovering over so much that day. He allowed me to go to places emotionally that I had never been.”

McLain was able to get to know Scott’s mother, Beth Nimmo, during the filming of the movie.

“Beth Nimmo is one of the most incredible people I have ever met,” McLain said. “I loved any time I got to be in her presence. She was a special person.”

In order to better understand Scott, McLain was able to read all of her journals and form a relationship with Scott’s mother. McLain said the more she read and spoke with Nimmo, the more she learned and understood Scott’s personality and quirks.

“Playing the part of Rachel Scott made a huge impact on my life,” McLain said. “She did not have an easy life, and just like you and me, she struggled.”

While the film focuses predominantly on Scott’s life, it also focuses on the lives of the people she touched and befriended. In honor of her memory and the other victims of the Columbine Massacre, “I’m Not Ashamed” will be released to theaters April 20, 2016. To watch the trailer, visit www.imnotashamedfilm.com.

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