A Sweet Farewell

My love for The Sentinel is like my love for frozen yogurt. Sweet, a treat to look forward to and a little messy—no, but really every time I’ve gone in the office, I know we’ll be mixing up something special—with lots of different ingredients. It won’t be perfect every time, but it’ll be an adventure in the making.

I’ll be the first to admit that this hasn’t been the easiest job in the world, but it has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my college career—and one I’ll never forget. I started my stint with The Sentinel as a production assistant in 2012 and fell in love with the atmosphere and the people I was working with to produce a paper. I always tell people that I wish I had found The Sentinel semesters earlier than I did. I was then hired on as Production Manager by Editor in Chief, Megan Emory—and together we’ve been a tenacious force.

To Megan, my EIC and true partner in crime. We’re leaving the paper in good hands. I’m going to miss you and the work we’ve done together—so incredibly much. Through the redesign that we forged ahead with and your dedication to going above and beyond to maintain a level of consistent quality; your unfaltering spirit is truly an inspiration and I am so happy to have joined you on this journey. Through it all you’ve truly been the yin to my yang and I am honored to call you friend.

We’ve accomplished a lot and I am so proud to have been a part of this team. We are a dysfunctional, hilarious and hardworking family, each person adding his or her own special flavor to the mix that has made each Monday one of the best days of the week. I’m going to miss you all. Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do—and next Monday will come and I’ll feel a twinge of sadness, but pride that there are good people working to keep the legacy going.

To Eric, congratulations to the new EIC! You’ve been a rising star this semester. You’ve been consistent in your work ethic and that’s going to take you far. Be encouraging, fair and persistent—you can do it!

To Laura, the up and coming Production Manager, you’re a talented designer and I know you’re going to do wonderful things for The Sentinel. Trust your instincts and you’ll nail it every time.

To all of the section editors, writers, photographer and designers—I can’t tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you. Each week you come to the plate and deliver. Literally, there would not be a paper without the effort that you put in and I am forever grateful to your dedication.

To our advertising team and our advisor Ed Bonza—where would we be without you? I have been extremely grateful to the synergy that we’ve worked toward over the past year. Your support and understanding helped fuel us and together we have created a strong team.

Words of advice: talk openly with each other, always seek truth, get the work done, but most of all have fun! Relax enjoy each other’s company and remember that you are doing a noble service for Kennesaw State University—don’t forget that and be proud of yourself…I certainly am.

Andrea is a graduate student and an Art Education major.

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