Student Media will Never be the Same

Student media is getting an in-depth upgrade, with the first changes set to appear in the July 17 issue of The Sentinel.

Sentinel Editor-in-Chief Megan Emory said the idea for redesign began with former EIC Nikki Hope.

“We are working from the ground-up,” Emory said. “We are furthering our own education and gathering qualified writers. I want you to realize every Tuesday, there is something worth reading about, something to learn. This is our chance to be the voice of KSU in exactly the way you want to hear it.”

The Sentinel selected a redesign by senior graphic design student and student media Website Manager Chris Dailey. Emory said that a selection committee decided on the top four possible designs then narrowed it down to two finalists, which were introduced online for open voting.

“It was our chance to change the perception of the newspaper and the design at the same time,” Emory said. “The Sentinel is just KSU talking to itself. We are a paper for the people.”

Student Media Advisor Ed Bonza said The Sentinel also increased efforts in training and copyediting. Communication professor Tricia Grindel volunteers her time as a consultant for The Sentinel, and held weekly meetings last semester to discuss improvement ideas.

“Redesigns, like any changes in our organizations, are usually initiated by the students. In this specific case, the Sentinel redesign was assisted by Communication instructor Tricia Grindel and Dr. Sperry’s Graphic Design class,” Bonza said.

Recently retired graphic arts professor Dr. Jeanne Sperry provided redesign options from her Spring 2012 Graphic Design students.

“We want to reconnect with our readers and attract new ones,” Emory said. “I want you to not only look forward to a new paper every week, but actually become part of the process. This is your paper, get involved!”

Owl Radio staff have been working on their redesign for months now, and Bonza said changes will take effect once it’s approved by KSU Design Approval.

“OWL Radio should be adding a Low Powered AM frequency hopefully before fall semester,” Bonza said.

General Manager at OWL Radio, Reggie Joseph, said they plan to unveil a new website, format and logo, with the same quality programming and award winning radio shows.

“This new venture will bring us to the forefront of student communication, thus placing us on par with not only other student-run radio stations, but with other small-market, professionally owned and operated radio stations…it’s a new day,” Joseph said.

Joseph said the focus of the redesign is to provide better quality content and make the station more accessible to the KSU community.

“It’s a new frontier, and OWL Radio is ready for this challenge,” Joseph said.

Bonza said all student media groups are stepping up their efforts.

“Small steps are being taken with OWL TV, and all student media groups are increasing efforts with online work, especially mobile,” Bonza said.

KSU Student Media is student-operated. For information on how to apply for KSU Student Media positions, visit

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