Coles College of Business’ ABC’s Fair

KSU’s Small Business Development Center will host the 2012 ABC’s Fair, a free event targeted for small business owners.

As part of the Coles College of Business, the SBDC’s principal goal is to offer small businesses advice through one-on-one consulting for implementation and strategic preparation.

This event will connect attendees with the three necessary “A, B, C’s” of successful businesses­– attorneys, bankers, and certified public accountants. Exhibitors will share their individual knowledge of the small business world.

Small Business Development Center Program Coordinator Katie White said the annual fair also features interactive breakout sessions, and urged attendees to be prepared with note-taking materials.

“Our goal is to help small business owners build their professional team,” said White. “This event should be viewed more as key professional development, rather than a career fair.”

Though this event is geared toward small business owners in the local area, White, a graduate of KSU herself, said any interested student is welcome to come.

White also said there may be door prizes for attendees to win, “The individual exhibitors will bring certain things, maybe services they offer, televisions, cameras, that sort of thing.”

The ABC’s Fair is on Thursday, June 28, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the KSU Center, located on Busbee Dr. For more information on the SBDC and the ABC’s Fair, go to

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