Ringle Talks about Making the New Album, Playing in the South and why 2011 Kind of Sucked

Justin Ringle, the cornerstone member of Horse Feathers, talks about his band’s new album Cynic’s New Year (Kill Rock Stars) with genuine excitement and an understanding that the title sounds a tad depressing.

“I can’t get away from the negatively-sounding album titles, I guess,” Ringle said. “But it just seemed appropriate. 2011 was a little bit of a bummer. I was constantly grappling with trying to be positive in the face of it and that’s how I came up with the title.”

Ringle went on to say that last year hosted some transitions for his life and  his friends and band mates back home in Portland, Oregon. But the singer/songwriter seemed to take these changes in-stride with one of the best Horse Feathers albums yet. One of the main differences of the new album compared to the past records is in the songwriting. His lyrics are more personal with his first album rather than being narrative stories.

“My first album, Words Are Dead was really literal. After I [recorded it] I didn’t know I was going to be doing music like I am now. Things kind of took off and I was playing these songs in front of people all of the time. After a while I got a little freaked out by sharing that much. To me as a performer, it felt weird to go out in front of people and to be viewed like- not whining necessarily, but complaining and just giving up too much. It made me feel really awkward and over the next two records I started to write very consciously. I’d feel something about some situation and then I would extrapolate upon it and put distance between what I experienced in reality and what is in the song.”

Ringle explained that this method of songwriting was “comfortable” for him, but after two albums he “got tired of it.”

“I don’t think it’s disingenuine by any means but I felt like I reached the pinnacle of doing that artistically. I started to reevaluate what I was trying to do with music and I just felt like sharing more. I felt like it would be better to say some things that are more personal and to be a little bit more vulnerable again. I don’t know what that means for anyone who listens to the record. That’s [the listener’s] decision on how [they] appreciate the record, but for me personally, I know it needed to happen.”

Another change Ringle made was his accompaniment for the upcoming tour by adding another violinist, a new cellist, and a new drummer. As the summer tour approaches and Horse Feathers prepare to tour the country to promote the new album, Ringle expressed excitement about playing in the south, especially at Atlanta’s The Bad Earl on May 17.

“I love playing in Atlanta,” Ringle said. “We always have really great shows. It’s not like we’re setting any records for ticket sales or anything, but our shows are always  good in Atlanta and the people are always stoked. I actually like touring in the south a lot. I always look forward to it….That whole territory is just always refreshingly good. I’m stoked.”

Horse Feathers’ newest album, Cynic’s New Year will be released on April 17. Be sure to see them live at The Bad Earl on May 17 in Atlanta.


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