Only You can Prevent Government Abuse

I constantly hear my classmates complaining about the fees that they must pay each semester. The printout of fees you receive after paying tuition only has the shorthand name of each fee and can be confusing to translate. If you ever had questions what these fees are or how they are used, you have tools available to you. Because we go to a state university, KSU must comply with the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA.

FOIA states that government agencies must provide citizens with requested information. The information requested must not be classified or fall under the exemptions listed in the act. Many people think this act is meant for big government cover-ups. Hollywood might make it seem that way, but FOIA is meant for everyone. The FOIA website is filled with information on the data collected and released to the public. It also has a tutorial on filling out FOIA requests.  It is very easy to send in requests.

From the website,

“You should be aware that the FOIA does not require agencies to do research for you, analyze data, answer written questions, or create records in response to your request.”

The act is not an excuse to skimp on research, but a tool for you to use. You should also be aware that the act has important exemptions on the information you can request. For all the information on FOIA requests, go to

Before you tune out the idea of requesting information from the government, think of the ways the information requested can affect you. Journalists and political science majors can use the act to gain important research for articles or papers. Requests can also be used as a motivation for KSU.  A former student once used FOIA to request information on his student assistant paycheck. The request led to the various departments getting the ball rolling on his pay.

It is our job as citizens to ensure our government is operating above the board. Like Abraham Lincoln says in his Gettysburg Address, our government is “of the people, by the people, for the people.” FOIA allows us to ensure a government that represents the ideals we, as Americans, uphold. Besides voting and jury duty, it is your responsibility as a citizen to keep the government honest.

So the next time you think KSU is collecting your fees and spending them all on golf carts and pizza parties consider sending a FOIA request to get the real facts. You may be surprised by the information you receive.

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