If you or a friend have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, please call 1-866-643-6144. Free 24/7. Most drugs that are illegal today were […]
Category: Arts & Living
A Bit of Cinema Verite in “Pusher”
LOS ANGELES – In director Luis Prieto’s experience, when you set out to shoot a druggy crime drama in London, England’s legendarily cocaine- fueled nightclub […]
Major Changes
College students know the question. They prepare for it every time they meet some- one new, gather with relatives or go for a job interview. […]
College students across America face choices that affect their academic career. The typical college student uses friends and colleagues to help them make simple choices like […]
Test Tips: True or False?
Rubbing lip balm on the edge of a Scantron will get you an “A” because the grading machine will not be able to mark any answers […]
Club of the Week: Pride Alliance
Club Name: Pride Alliance Contact Information: officer@kennesawpridealliance. com Next Event: Nov.6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge of the Student Center KSU’s Student Life […]
Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Totem’ Dazzles at Atlantic Station
The topic and history of evolution has always been a hot issue in the media, but with Cirque Du Soleil’s take on the evolution of man […]
No One Will Hear You Scream
Imagine being trapped inside of a dark building filled with distant screams, the walking dead and severed bodies decorate the wall. Your adrenaline is rushing […]
Club of the Week: The Literary Club
Club Name: Literary Club When & Where they meet: Various locations and times Contact Information: literaryclubksu@gmail.com Event Coming Up: Wednesday, November 14 at 7:00, Trivia […]
Top 12 Horror Movies
Horror movies are made to scare or startle their audiences, sometimes even disgust them. The genre allows writers a certain amount of creativity to play […]
“Wreck-It-Ralph:” Interview with Director Rich Moore
What happens when a character in an arcade game develops the ability to think and have free will? Arcade games would become chaotic, roles would […]
Anime Fans do it “Gangnam Style” at AWA
“Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy sexy lady,” blares over the speakers in the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel and Convocation Center on the warm Sept. 31 night setting the unwritten […]