Overdue elevator inspections found on campus

Elevators in the Central Deck and Social Sciences building do not have updated inspections as of the time this was written and published.

Donald Spencer, manager of Campus Maintenance Facilities, said that their team is working diligently to ensure that campus elevators are functional and safe. However, a couple of elevators on campus, one in the Social Sciences building and one in the Central Parking Deck, haven’t even been inspected since December 2023.

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire is in charge of inspecting campus elevators, but they have a shortage of workers, according to Spencer.

“So a lot of times people notice the card’s past their expiration date, well, they’re a little short on personnel,” Spencer said. “So they give themselves up to 90 days to do the inspection after that date.”

Spencer also added that some cards are past their expiration date due to the cards not being placed in their respective locations.

Two elevators in the Central Parking Deck were not operational due to being locked down. Even though the elevators were inspected, campus maintenance had to wait until the elevators were fixed and unlocked to place the card in its respective place.

“Those two elevators were locked down until we unlock them and put them back in operation,” Spencer said. “So two came back in operation, we just have to put the card back in.”

As for the elevator in the Social Sciences building, the inspection was never done although maintenance received the bill.

“They billed us for it already,” Spencer said. “Which is funny, state agency turned [against] state agency.”

Campus maintenance is also looking into getting new elevators in the Central Parking Deck replaced after 16 years.

Along with new elevators, KSU wants to adopt new energy-efficient initiatives.

Spencer’s team is working with Abigail Dixon, KSU’s energy manager, on an initiative to install occupancy sensors and timers in maintenance rooms, hallways and classrooms to be more energy efficient.

The university has launched other sustainability initiatives in the past including OwlSwap, solar panels, water bottle refill stations and recycling receptacles across campus.

For any additional questions, please contact Facilities Services at facilities@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-6224.