War Games: Chess – A Conversation with a Chess Master

At the beginning of a chess match, each player is a king and commander of his army. The board is even, the number of pieces is even and the turn-based method of play allows nearly every element of the game to be fair. Achieving victory comes down to strategy, skill and the individuals involved. For some people, chess is much more than a hobby or pastime and an important way to learn how to succeed in the real world.

William Stewart, a National Master and currently ranked fifth-best player in Georgia, began playing chess when he was ten years old at Spalding Elementary in Sandy Springs, Ga. Stewart continued through middle and high school and eventually was a top player for University of Georgia’s tournament chess team. After graduating in 2009, Stewart realized his passion for chess grew beyond just playing the game and he started to teach at camps and schools around Atlanta.

“Chess helps develop analytical thinking more than anything else,” Stewart said in a Skype interview because he was in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a tournament.

Beyond analytical thinking, Stewart was also adamant that chess can teach players much more than strategic game plans.

“The main thing I try to teach kids is that it doesn’t matter how many pieces your down or how many mistakes you’ve made. When it comes down to it you’ve got to look your opponent in the eye and let them know they have to earn it. Basically, never give up,” said Stewart.

Chess Evolving Through the Internet

Stewart explained that chess completely shifted after chess libraries around the world put documented games online for anyone to study and learn. Instead of relying on an instructor, a player can now go online and study how International Masters like Bobby Fisher played in tournaments. This is what motivated Stewart to move his teaching online and now players across the globe can be taught directly by a chess master.

If you are interested in learning more about chess visit www. onlinechesslessons.net or check out Stewart’s YouTube account for hundreds of free tutorials in English and Spanish.

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