Why Letters to The Editor?
You feel strongly about an issue, and you want to let people know what you think. You believe you can even influence your fellow students to take some action if you speak your mind. But, you want to reach an audience larger than just your friends or your group membership. Letters to the editor can be an effective way to get the word out.
They can take a position; for or against an issue, simply inform, or both. They can convince readers by using emotions, facts, or emotions and facts combined. Letters to the editor are usually short and tight, rarely longer than 300 words.
With your letter, you can generate plenty of community discussion. You can also keep an issue going by preventing it from disappearing from the public eye. You can stimulate the interest of the news media and create more coverage for the matters you’re working on. You can also send a “good news” letter to bring recognition to people who deserve it or acknowledge the success of an effort.
Letter Policies
- The Sentinel will try to print all letters received in our print and/or online editions. Letters should be no more than 300 words long. Exceptions are made at the discretion of the editors. For longer letters, consider sending a Guest Column instead. We reserve the right to edit all letters submitted for brevity, content, and clarity.
- The writer must include full name, year and major (if a student), professional title (if a KSU employee), and/or city (if a Georgia resident). We believe one should be willing to stand behind their words. We do not publish anonymous letters.
- For verification purposes, students must also supply the last three digits of their student ID number and a phone number. This information will not be published.
- Contributors are limited to one letter every 30 days. Letters thanking individuals or organizations for personal services rendered cannot be accepted. We do not publish individual consumer complaints about specific businesses.
- If it is determined that a letter writer’s political or professional capacity or position has a bearing on the topic addressed, then that capacity or position will be identified at the editor’s discretion.
- While we do not publish letters from groups endorsing political candidates, The Sentinel will carry letters discussing candidates and campaign issues.
- All letters become the property of The Sentinel.
- All comments and opinions in signed columns are those of the author and not necessarily of The Sentinel staff, its advisers, or KSU and do not reflect the views of the faculty, staff, student body, the Student Media, or the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Columns are opinions of only the columnist. They do not reflect the views of The Sentinel but instead offer a differing viewpoint.
Submit Your Letter
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>> In addition to letters, we encourage our readers to submit Guest Columns. If you have a news tip or information that might help a reporter, or if you notice an error in a story, please e-mail Sentinel@ksumedia.com or call 470-578-6470.