In Jean-Pierre Jennet’s 2001 film “Amelie,” Audrey Tautou stars as a mischievous young woman who sees the world a little differently than those around her. She finds joy in the little things, like sinking her hands into bags of grain at the market and cracking the top of crème brulee with a spoon. However, in her observance of small details, she often times misses the big things, like the breaking news of Princess Dianna’s death, because she is too busy exploring behind a broken tile in her bathroom. The film follows Amelie as the decides to become a “do-gooder” and spend her time bringing joy to those who most deserve it, and maybe a little revenge to those who don’t.
This film is a pleasure to watch on numerous levels. The story is equal parts heartwarming and quirky, the characters are lovable and charming, and the overall aesthetic of the movie is nothing short of magical. This is a movie that will stay with viewers far after the credits have rolled, and it might even help change the way they see the world around them. This is the perfect film to watch on a cozy evening in, but you may have to break out your reading glasses, as this French film is only translated through subtitles.