OPINION: Funding tutoring programs can reduce the crime pipeline

Studies have consistently revealed a distressing reality: a significant portion of individuals within the juvenile justice system grapple with low literacy levels.

These studies reveal a staggering 85%of children held within detention centers fall into this category. Beyond the confines of the juvenile system, the repercussions of inadequate education have been historically reflected throughout society which contribute to a cycle of crime and incarceration.

The National Bureau of Economic Research highlights the correlation between low literacy and crime, explaining how incarceration drastically diminishes the likelihood of graduation. The risk of future arrests reaches a staggering 59-75% among non-graduates. These stark statistics serve as a needed call for urgent intervention.

The solution lies in ensuring that education and tutoring become not only more affordable but also universally accessible. Locals in the areas in which these laws were put in place witnessed a notable surge in educational attainment accompanied by a corresponding downturn in criminal activity.

Delving deeper into the underlying effects, scholars believe that education brings heightened labor productivity, thereby bolstering wages and fostering economic stability.

At the heart of this paradigm shift lies the Becker model of crime, which states “a criminal act is preferred and chosen if the expected benefits from committing a crime exceed the expected costs, including the costs of any foregone legal alternatives.”

Higher wages and more stable employment, caused by more accessible education are likely to tilt the “cost-benefit” axis in favor of not committing crime. Higher wages and increased employability, facilitated by accessible education, serve as potent deterrents, rendering criminal endeavors less appealing in comparison to lawful pursuits.

The dividends of investing in education and tutoring extend far beyond the realm of crime reduction. A strong educational infrastructure equips individuals with the requisite skills and competencies to navigate an increasingly complex and sometimes confusing global landscape. By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills and socio-emotional intelligence, it all will encourage students and youth to think more independently and consider more options outside of crime.

Accessible education serves as a powerful equalizer, breaking down the barriers of inequality & fostering inclusivity. By ensuring that higher education is not a privilege confined to the affluent but a fundamental right accessible to all, societies can mitigate the socioeconomic disparities that often lie within criminal behavior.

It is imperative to make education and tutoring universally accessible. Addressing the root causes of crime through education by funding tutoring programs for literacy will allow every individual a baseline to succeed past the school system.

By having accessible and affordable education, such as government-funded tutoring programs, students can break free from the shackles of cyclical incarceration and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future.