Luke Gardner, Arts & Living Editor
I started writing for the Sentinel in August 2016. The Opinion section was where I first began contributing, but I eventually found my way into also writing for the Arts and Living section. I applied for an editor position three times, and I almost did not show up to my third interview. I told myself I was not good enough, and upon getting the job, I expected too much of myself. The first semester was rough, as I was overwhelmed and underprepared. I broke down several times and was even almost fired because, at one point, I just gave up on myself. This semester has been completely different. With countless help from writers, I have managed to create new standards by implementing things the Arts and Living section has never done, and I will pass those standards on to my predecessor to ensure consistent and quality content. Editing has taught me just how valuable our writers are and that editing is just as much of a process as writing. I hope my experience proves that, as journalists and students, we can find the balance between loving ourselves and challenging ourselves.

Josh Eastwood, Ad Manager
As Ad Manager for the past 18 months, I have seen these awesome people pull through and create a spectacular newspaper and service to the KSU community. Regardless of issues, change or pitfalls, the editors at the Sentinel proved time and time again that their resilience and tenacity are unmatched. I will truly miss this position and what it means to be a part of something much bigger than yourself and seeing the impact on not just other student’s lives, but on the university in a holistic perception. The future is never clear and can seem bleak in the face of imminent and constant transformation but there is not a doubt in my mind that the Sentinel will rise to the challenges ahead.
While I never wrote, photographed or edited for the paper, I am grateful for the opportunities and support throughout my time here. Cory, Marquis and Sabrina — I am in awe of your leadership and dexterity within the balancing act that is the Editor-In-Chief position. To all of the editors, past and present, thank you so much for putting up with the imposing ads that came each week. Finally, thank you to Shereida for her continued encouragement, thoughtful guidance and letting me pursue the various initiatives created with complete support. It has been an incredible moment in my life to be among such phenomenal people and I know even greater things have yet to come from them.

Rebekka Cacciatore, Engagement Director
Working as the Engagement Director for the Sentinel has been one of the greatest blessings of my college journey. When I began the job here in July 2018, I had no clue what I was stepping into, given that I had no prior experience in the public relations field. Through the weeks and months of working with driven journalists and editors, I have come to have a great appreciation for the art and skill that journalism is, and a love for this team of such passionate people. During my time with the Sentinel, I have grown into a leader, a team player, a friend, a colleague and the aspiring PR practitioner that I call myself today. While I am sad to be leaving, I know there are great opportunities ahead. I feel so honored and proud to have worked with such an amazing student organization.

Elizabeth Nouryeh, Opinion Editor
When my journey with the Sentinel began in fall 2015, I never imagined the impact it would have on me. The first time I saw my writing in print was one of my best memories at KSU and I will never forget that feeling of intense pride. When I became the Opinion Editor, I knew I wanted to push myself and my writers to write more than a call for better parking spaces and cover larger, more important issues. I hope I was able to give my writers and fellow students a place to meticulously voice their opinions on this platform. Writing and editing for the Sentinel has given me so much confidence and pushed me to do my best. Thank you to all the editors, past and present, for believing in me as a writer and leader. I am so proud of everything the Sentinel has accomplished and I cannot what to see what lies ahead for this publication.

Sabrina Kerns, Editor-in-Chief
I have worked with the Sentinel since the beginning of my sophomore year in fall 2016, and my time here has been one of my best experiences at KSU. I started out by applying for a writing position for the Arts and Living section, eager to write creative and inspiring stories. My dreams were soon crushed by then Editor-in-Chief Sierra Hubbard when she told me that they would like to have me on as a news writer. Of course, I still gladly took the position, and I am so thankful that I did.
Thanks to the incredible leadership of past editors, I have quickly fallen in love with news reporting. Cory Hancock, Maddy McGee and Marquis Holmes, I have learned so much from you all and the rest of this staff, and without this publication, I would not be where I am today. Not only has the Sentinel given me room to grow and to learn as a student journalist, but it has also given me the chance to meet and work with the most amazing group of people. I know that, no matter what happens, the Sentinel will remain in good hands and will continue to grow, bringing truth and transparency to the KSU community.