The Center for Volunteerism and Learning Support hosted its fourth blood drive of the year on Sept. 5 and 6 to collect blood donations for victims of Hurricane Harvey.
The drive, in collaboration with the American Red Cross, gave more than 250 students the opportunity to help those affected by the devastation of the storm.
Jameriah Clark, a sophomore nursing student who has donated blood to previous drives, was eager to participate.
“I wanted to give blood to help people injured by the hurricane,” Clark said. “It is a really simple way to get involved.”

KSU President Sam Olens also participated in the drive. A regular blood donor who donates every 3 months, Olens has donated to other Red Cross drives, but this was his first drive on campus.
“With the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, and potentially of Hurricane Irma, I thought it was an important time to give blood,” Olens said.
Additionally, the drive also proved to be a teaching experience for KSU nursing students. According to Flora Lowe-Rockett, the director of the blood drive, it allowed several nursing students to apply their classroom knowledge to the real world, greeting participants and assisting with registration and patient history forms.
The blood drive also served as a way to engage community members with the KSU student body.
“Around 15 community members scheduled appointments to donate blood,” Lowe-Rockett said. “We were happy to open our university’s doors to those in the surrounding area and allow them to contribute to this important drive.”
Kasey Havill, assistant director of volunteerism, said that those who missed the drive still have the option to donate at the next one, which will be held in November.
“We run drives all throughout the year to ensure that as many students as possible get the opportunity to help those in need,” Havill said. “Blood drives are some of the best ways to provide immediate and effective relief to those in need, including the victims of Hurricane Harvey.”
Information on upcoming blood drives is available on the Volunteerism and Service Learning Support Facebook page. Updates are also sent out via the KSU newsletter.