The Department of Parking and Transportation has announced a host of new changes this semester, which it hopes will address commuter complaints.
Among the new options are parking permits for additional economy and shuttle lots, as well as an increase in the number and frequency of shuttles.
A new bus route between U-Pointe and Stadium Village apartments, and the Marietta campus, will allow residents to bypass the Kennesaw campus entirely and go directly to the Marietta campus for classes. According to the Parking and Transportation website, service begins at 6:45 a.m., with pickups every 35 to 40 minutes throughout the day.
“It’s so important that there are incentives for students to use the shuttle lots or, if they live in a nearby apartment, to ride Big Owl Bus rather than drive to campus,” said Victoria Brock, president of the Student Government Association. “It’s more economical for students to do this. To build a deck on campus would require that we increase the mandatory fee as much as $100 per semester.”
Additionally, economy lots that were previously open as part of the East and West parking areas will now have their own designated parking permits.
A West economy decal will allow commuters to park in the lot across from the First United Lutheran Church on the campus loop road or in the church parking lot, but not in the West deck. Students with West decals can park in all three.
Likewise, commuters with East economy decals can park in the Frey Road lot across from the East parking deck.