Lupe Fiasco took the center stage Saturday, Oct. 15, in the Marietta campus gymnasium to kickoff Kennesaw State University’s homecoming weekend.
Local talent Jaye Newton opened the concert, and DJ Scream hyped up the crowd before Lupe Fiasco came out to give his electric performance.

“I kind of don’t know what to expect, Lupe Fiasco hasn’t dropped an album in years” said Dravnsky Louis, freshman dance and accounting double major.
The gym on the Marietta campus was completely transformed. The stage was set up in the center of the room, and students packed the floor space as well as the bleachers on the sides of the room. Colorful stage lighting and fog machines created a true concert atmosphere.
“It looks really chill in here,” said Tallia Barnette, senior early education major. “It feels really intimate in here and I like that.”
Lupe Fiasco messed up a few times throughout his performance, but he was positive and played it off, mentioning that it had been a while since he’d last performed. His energy was high and that reflected in the crowd.
“The whole crowd was electric,” said Chirag Patel junior biology major. “He was very interactive with the crowd. He was a personable performer. He was funny and I liked that.”
Lupe Fiasco performed new songs that the crowd enjoyed along with older songs that many students anticipated. He closed the concert with his well-known song, “The Show Goes On.”

“Lupe Fiasco was such a good performer,” said Jessie Friend, senior biology major. “He was hilarious and put on an incredible show. He participated with the crowd and really made sure that everyone in the room was having a blast.”
This was the first time many of the students had seen the performer.
“The homecoming concert was unreal!” said Eli Podgurski, junior history major. “I had never seen Lupe live, and he surpassed all expectations.”