A week of homecoming events came to a close Friday, Oct. 14, with a parade that ran through campus.
Around 4:30 p.m., students, parents, alumni and faculty lined Owl Drive in front of The Commons, the student center and The Green, awaiting the parade floats.

“I think it’s going to be a good turnout, probably more people coming out than last year,” said Chris Oyegunle, a senior communication major. “I’ve been to a couple of parades in the past, and students come out and show pride for the school, but I think this year will be better.”
The parade was led by interim President Houston Davis in a convertible, followed by the KSU Marching Owls and the members of the homecoming court.
The parade primarily featured sororities and fraternities, but a few other student organizations participated as well, including the African American Student Alliance, Residence Life, the Student Government Association and the International Student Association.

“I’m in Greek life, so it was cool to see the parade and floats,” said Skylar Pugh, a junior human services major. “It was a time for me to bond with my sisters.”
To stick to this year’s superhero theme, floats were decorated with famous caped characters or designed to look like a city of skyscrapers. Word bubbles reminiscent of old comic books were used as well, and some organizations carried banners with superhero puns.
The university’s Formula SAE team, KSU Motorsports, did not go unnoticed, driving a Formula 1 go kart in the parade line-up. The team members built most of the parts themselves.

“We started by designing the frame,” said KSU Motorsports member Zach Lewis, a senior marketing major. “We had to weld the parts together. Everything we pretty much had to make, with the exception of the tires.”
The parade ended between the recreation center and the Convocation Center. Participants gathered here and continued the party with music, and cheerleaders kept the crowd excited to celebrate their school spirit.