The Pi Phi chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority held its AKA week titled “Pink MusiK” Sept. 26-30.
Each day featured a different event, and every event’s name was based on a song that related to the theme.
On Monday, “Every Vote Kounts” raised awareness about voter registration for the upcoming primary election. Toward the end of the event, students could register to vote on-site.

Denise Ivey, an employee at the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration, was the guest speaker for the night. She is directly involved in the voter registration process.
“I feel like you are the dream and hope of our country, so vote,” Ivey said. “It matters.”
Tuesday’s “PHight Night” was a self-defense workshop. The sisters of AKA read different scenarios and talked through them with the attendees. Guest speaker Ouida Brown taught defense tactics that can be used in the event of an attack.

On Wednesday, in an event called “AKAdemiks PHirst,” the sisters of AKA hosted a study hall to promote academic excellence.
AKA held an etiquette class on Thursday, called “etAKAttee 101.” They showed examples of appropriate business attire and held mock interviews, showing the difference between a good and bad interview.
Kathy Hallmark, a career and internship adviser at KSU, spoke to the women in the crowd and stressed the importance of building a resume and participating in internships.

“PHield Day PHriday” was a cookout-style event that allowed students to relax after a week of midterms. There was an entry fee of $5, and all proceeds went toward the Stop Hunger Now charity. Those in the crowd, along with members of AKA, participated in jump-rope, hula-hoop, Ping-Pong and spoon walk contests.
Other National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations — including Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi and Sigma Gamma Rho — came out to help support AKA on Friday.
“Be yourself and dream big, you can conquer anything in this world,” said senior communication major and AKA chapter President Mariah Williams. “That would be my personal message.”