Volunteerism and Service Learning Support at Kennesaw State University hosted its annual volunteer fair on Wednesday, Aug. 31 to showcase opportunities for student involvement in the community.
VSLS, formerly known as Volunteer KSU, partners with 275 local service agencies to provide students with opportunities to make a difference both on and off campus. Forty-three agencies represented a wide range of causes at the fair, including animals, education, the environment, poverty, and health and wellness.
Some of the agencies present included Fernbank Museum of Natural History and Habitat for Humanity.
Fernbank Museum of Natural History is a nonprofit organization that allows students to volunteer as an Outdoor Interpreter, Exhibit Interpreter, Greeter, IMAX Attendant or Forest Restoration, among other positions.
Habitat for Humanity has many areas in which students can help, like building homes and making home products for families in the community.
“What we’re trying to do is encourage students to get involved through some type of civic engagement program,” said Dawn Edwards, the coordinator of volunteerism for VSLS. “It’s a win-win for our organizations because they’re able to have that face-to-face interaction with our students.”
Edwards also noted the benefits of volunteering for students.
“It furthers their education, if they want to go to graduate school,” she said. “It looks really good on a graduate school application.”

Students can also volunteer to build their business resume, earn class credit or earn credit for a student organization.
According to Edwards, approximately 1,000 students make volunteering a part of their daily lives each semester. During the fall semester, VSLS sees many of these students utilize their services, and some even continue volunteering after graduation.
“You definitely feel valued and appreciated as a volunteer,” said Erika Disciascio, a KSU alumnus and a volunteer with Fernbank Museum of Natural History.
Sarah Lim, another KSU alumnus and a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, explained that volunteering is a huge part of her life because she loves to help and meet new people.
“It was a great experience,” Lim said.
Students can find volunteer agencies and opportunities at VSLS’ website, vksu.kennesaw.edu. The website allows students to create a profile accessible 24/7. The profile will keep track of volunteering hours and show a record of the student’s services. In addition, students can search for any volunteer organization and join through the website.