Chardae Sanders, Staff Writer
The Public Relations Student Society of America is an organization that helps students build their resumes, network and learn the fundamentals to launching their career.
Students do not even need to major in public relations to join PRSSA. It is an organization that is open to any students who are looking to broaden their network by establishing career opportunities, developing professional relationships and socialize in a positive setting.
PRSSA, headquartered in New York City, is comprised of more than 11,000 students and advisers organized into 300 plus chapters in the United States, Argentina and even Colombia.
KSU’s PRSSA Chapter focuses on increasing professional connections through career events. Such events include the recent Colloquium through the Department of Communication and networking events like the PRSSA National Conference in Washington D.C, in which members networked with parent organization members from PRSSA and PR pioneers.
In addition to the professional development side of PRSSA, there are also social events. One of the highlights is a tour of Turner Field where members are able to get a behind the scenes look at the Atlanta Braves organization and fundraising events like their upcoming event for the Atlanta Hawks home opener on Nov. 1 where students are able to purchase tickets at a discounted rate.
PRSSA Chapters are also heavily involved with using social media platforms as a means to communicate with other chapters, conduct webinars and share PR tips. After becoming a member, students will have access to various scholarships and competitions as well.
Each year, PRSSA presents more than $20,000 in scholarships and awards to members and chapters based on outstanding merit. What better way to fund your education and have a great time while doing so?
PRSSA stands on three fundamental blocks, ENHANCE, BROADEN and LAUNCH. The organization wants to enhance your education by recommending ways to get real world experience and practical knowledge that future employers are seeking. PRSSA offers internship listings and news updates with the latest industry trends.
By broadening your network, PRSSA believes students will be able to establish lifelong opportunities through experience and professional growth. As a PRSSA member, students have access to the PRSSA Job Center that can help launch your career.
Yelena Kozenkova, KSU PRSSA Chapter President believes that PRSSA gave her the connections and experience she needed to launch her career. “The professional development that PRSSA offers students is truly one of kind,” Kozenkova said. “The events our chapter participates in gives members a myriad of PR resources.”
PRSSA is not only a catalyst for career opportunities but it offers a way to build connections that can last a lifetime.
For more information on PRSSA visit www.ksuprssa.org or follow them on twitter @ksuprssa for all event updates.