Mike Foster, Sports Editor
KSU students will have an opportunity to decide how student football tickets will be distributed, according to a letter released by the Department of Athletics on Friday. Four forums will be held at various locations on campus between March 11-20.
Students are encouraged to attend and voice their opinions about how tickets will be allocated. The ad hoc committee, which was started last spring by the Student Government Association and members of President Papp’s cabinet, includes students from various positions and residencies.
The committee narrowed ticketing ideas down to three different systems. In the lottery format, students would have to register for each home game on an online system, which would then randomly select nontransferable tickets to individual students. The lottery tickets would be sent to the student’s KSU ID. The first lottery option would use credit hours to determine priority levels, with seniors being highest priority.
A second option would use the same credit hour system plus priority for members of The Black and Gold student organization. Members of the Black and Gold would receive more priority, regardless of their credit hour standing.
The third would be a non-lottery distribution system in which students would claim tickets in a first-come, first-served basis via an online reservation system, with tickets being available during a specific window period. Students eligible for tickets would have to be enrolled in the fall of 2015 and pay athletic fees. Military Veterans and senior citizens would be exempt from the athletic fee qualification.
A stand-by line will be created for students who don’t have tickets to have an opportunity to enter games. Any reserved student tickets that are not taken any later than 10 minutes before game time would be released to students waiting in a first-come, first-serve line. No tickets for those in the line would be guaranteed.
The forum times and locations for ticket distribution are as follows:
- Tuesday, March 11, 11 a.m. At University Place multipurpose Room
- Thursday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. in the Convocation Center Room 2007
- Wednesday, March 19, 11 a.m. In Prillman Hall Room 1101
- Thursday, March 20, 6:30 p.m. at University Village Center
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