Halloween is one of the most sought-after holidays for kids and adults alike. Some participate in the costume and decoration aspect, some in the party aspect, and of course, some merely use it as an opportunity to get free treats. But what takes place on the other side of the door?
I happen to be among the few that have never officially ‘celebrated’ halloween or participated in the typical activities surrounding it. Although as a little kid people expected me to feel left out, which I did, I learned to overcome that. I still got to eat chocolate and watch scary movies, but on the night of Halloween it was always “lights out.”Turning down the trick-or-treaters innocently coming to the door — because we didn’t have any candy — wasn’t an easy task, but that simple restriction taught me a lesson. On the other side of the door were little kids listening to their parents, yet feeling disappointed. I never got to dress up like a little princess or talk about all of the delicious or unsavory treats I got the next day at school, but I grew to realize that just because everyone is participating in something doesn’t mean that I have to as well. At that time, I wasn’t aware of the reasoning behind my parents’ decision, but I eventually began to disregard the why of the situation and think about the effect that it had on me.
It is inevitable that people will be brought up with traditions and rules that may differ from those around them as a result of religious values, morals, or even a nature of deviance or compliance, but it doesn’t give grounds for one to be deemed odd. The variety of beliefs among individuals who appear to be virtually the same aids in the promotion heterogeneity in this nation.
Toni-Ann Hall, Freshman
Communication Major