Police Beat is compiled weekly from Kennesaw State University’s Safe and Sound Police public records. Names are removed for privacy.
Hacker on the Loose
On the morning of Jan. 16, a representative from the Department of Public Safety was
called to the University Village Health Clinic regarding possible email fraud. A clinic employee reported that his computer suddenly asked for his Yahoo account information, so he typed in his username and password. Shortly after, family and friends were contacting the employee, informing the victim that someone was emailing them from the employee’s account and asking for money. The Public Safety representative informed Information Technology Services of the incident, and the department is now working to track the location of where the emails were sent. The health clinic employee has since changed his username and password.
Reckless Driver Remains Anonymous
At approximately 4:42 p.m. on Jan. 16, a hit and run accident was reported from the Central Parking Deck, Level 4. A student told Officer Jackson that he parked his vehicle at the parking deck four hours prior to returning and viewing the damage. The vehicle had slight damage to the driver’s side and damage to the rear bumper. There was no paint transfer from the criminal vehicle left on the student’s car, nor was there any evidence of the criminal vehicle. There is no known video evidence of the incident.
Student’s Misjudgment Causes Parkin Deck Damage
On the afternoon of Jan. 15, Officer Jackson was called to the 1st level of the East Parking Deck about a vehicle accident. The officer learned that a student had attempted to drive around the parking gate arm of the deck’s entrance. The vehicle struck the arm and broke it. The student claimed that the incident occurred due to his misjudging the clearance. No damage was done to the vehicle; however, the student caused $75 worth of damage to the deck. A verbal warning was issued to the driver.